3D-Coat – Update 4.5.20


Update infos for version 4.5.20


  • PPP painting speed essentially grown especially for big texture resolution, big polygons, materials dependent on cavity.
  • Tools in space panel ajusted in a bit more logical order.


  • More/less button supported for stencils.
  • “Tiling” recovered, now works with stencils again.
  • Fixed problem of FPS dropdown in scenes with imported multiobject meshes.
  • ESC in retopo/transform will not clear selection.
  • PBR preview works correctly with N-gons.
  • Drawing long lines in UV window works correctly.


Click here for download: Current 3D-Coat version…

 Infos about using 3D-Coat versions:

  • 3D-Coat beta versions can be used by registered users only. You have to register the current release to be able to use the current beta.
  • You are invited to test and use the new beta version while the whole developing process until the official release.
  • The permission to use the beta ends at the final release date. In this case you are able to buy the new release.
  • Beta versions are NOT final releases! Be careful using them for your projects.