“The Living Room Project”

“The Living Room Project” – A blender scene.

This is an interior render project i created in the open source 3D software Blender.

The origin idea came from my wife. We talked about a new wall color in our personal living room and about to buy some new furniture. So I started to rebuild our living room in 3D to show her the new wall colors – actually…

First I created the walls, to show the wall color – but the room looked very empty. So I began to add some more objects, and some more and more – and “suddenly”: The complete room was ready. I used the project too, to get a deeper insight into blender.

Render time: About 4 hours per image (4K) on a GeForce GTX 1080Ti.

By the way: You can support my work by buying the scene. For example you can use it to check the render settings I used in blender or how I created the material nodes, or the carpet etc. More infos about the package can be found in my gumroad shop here: https://gumroad.com/Taros