Hint: Start blender on a second display
Are you using two displays and need blender on the second screen? blender starts in the main display by default. The problem: blender starts always in…
Are you using two displays and need blender on the second screen? blender starts in the main display by default. The problem: blender starts always in…
The 3D-Grid in 3D-Coat Some people have problems to use it or even does not know the powerful and flexible grid functionality in 3D-Coat. To help new users and all who are…
3D-Coat Autopo test session Hello friends. I took some hours to prepare a big autopo test for 3D-Coats last Autopo routine update. It was a lot of…
Kennt Ihr das Problem? Man malt fröhlich Punkte mit seinem Lieblings-Pinsel in Photoshop, aber auf einmal erscheinen sie viel zu groß. Unregelmäßig werden Punkte mit voller Druckstärke gemalt. – Hier…
WEB Hint 2015/03/13 Some days ago I found this very nice patreon website called SAMMU STUDIOS. The site belongs to Sam Yang who worked former as a 3D Character Artist…
Kennt ihr das Problem? Kaum hat man stolz sein Wacom-Tablet installiert, erscheinen nervende Kreise – wohin man unter Windows auch mit dem Stift klickt. Vor…
Do you know this problem, too? You are pasting a greyscale image into the alpha channel of an 8-Bit image in Adobe Photoshop and the…
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