Hello friends!
CW Eye v2 is in progress. For everyone who can’t await the upcoming update I’ve prepared an special alpha version for testing purposes.
All customers gets free lifetime updates for my materials. So just log into your preferred shop account and download the new alpha version.
To buy the material please visit my online shops:
What’s new in v2 alpha 1 version?
- Completely Blender 2.8 compatible
- Works in Eevee and Cycles renderer
- Completely rebuild for faster feedback
- New: Cat eyes
- New: Glass FX
… more features are in progress, so stay tuned!
Enough words. Log into your customer account and and get the preview version!
PS: The .blend file of the preview version is saved in Blender 2.8. But you can append the material into version 2.79 if you like. The material works there, too.