3D Galerie
Willkommen in meiner 3D-Galerie. Hier finden Sie einige der 3D-Modelle, die ich erstellt habe. Die Galerie wird langsam wachsen. Es lohnt sich also, meine Seite von Zeit zu Zeit zu besuchen, um zu sehen, was es Neues gibt.
Wenn Sie Fragen zu einem Motiv haben oder wissen möchten, wie ich es erstellt habe, dann schreiben Sie mir gerne eine Nachricht.
Produkt Beispiele für mein CW Carbon Collection Material
Erfahren Sie mehr über mein CW Carbon Collection material für Blender hier: Mehr Infos…
Photogrammetrie Modelle
Beispiele von Photogrammetrie Modellen, die Sie in meinem offiziellen Shop erwerben können. Besuchen Sie dazu: gumroad.com/highquality3d
Charakter Design
Kundenarbeit: Charakter Modellierung, Texturierung und Rig. Mehr Infos auf der offiziellen Project Seite.
Kundenauftrag. Der Schwerpunkt lag auf der Erstellung eines fotorealistischen Produktbildes. Alle Elemente wurden in 3D modelliert und texturiert. Das Material wurde mit prozeduralen Techniken erstellt, um dem Kunden die Möglichkeit zu geben, die Menge an Kratzern und Oberflächenrauheit selbst zu ändern. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte meine offizielle Projektseite.
Kundenarbeit – Sante Secco
Kundenauftrag. Der Schwerpunkt lag auf der Erstellung eines fotorealistischen Produktbildes. Das interessanteste Element war die Darstellung der Flüssigkeiten in einer realistischen Weise. Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte meine offizielle Projektseite.
Dies ist ein Sculpting, das ich in meiner Freizeit in 3D Coat erstellt habe. Mich interessierte, wie die Echtzeit-Render-Engine „Eevee“ von Blender die Arbeit erledigen würde. Es war also eine schöne Szene, um Tests durchzuführen.
Und ich muss sagen, das Ergebnis überzeugt. Die Gesamtarbeitszeit betrug etwa 6 Stunden.
Example render of my CW Cherry material for Blender
I’ve created a procedural material to make cherries. Visit my article for more infos: Read more…
„Drag and Drop“ Engineering Animation
This is a personal project to get some experience in engineering animation. My target was to test how complex it is to realise such a drag and drop animation in Blender. A simple challenge (at a first glance) like this can end in real problems and complexity, if your 3D app doesn’t offer the right tool set. But I was really surprised how well it worked in Blender to manage such a task.
Below you see the test rendering. I have used a low rendering sample rate (250) and the denoiser default settings for the film. All looks really good. Unfortunately YouTube had reduced the video quality a bit after my upload. My original film does’t has any artefacts or flickering. But watch yourself…
Agency pitch: Bucket visualisation
This is a pitch I’ve created for a small agency to apply for their freelancer network. The whole result was created by me: Modeling, materials and presentation.
Happy Easter Card for 2018
This is a Easter Card motive I created for my friends and clients. All 3D – all Blender, even the fur.
Rock Garden Pavillion
Time to go outside. Check this link for detailed infos about this scene.
The Hidden Cave
A fantasy artwork I made for myself. I tested an grass AddOn for Blender and resulted in this image. It looks a bit mysterious but warm as well.
speculo – Product design study
Another product design study. Visit the article to get more infos.
WAVE – Furniture handles
I never stop to improve my design skills and have created this furniture handles design. As always I gave it a name called „WAVE“ and created a small presentation. It is a personal project.
As always created in Blender and rendered with Cycles.
„l’amour du blanc“
This is a project I have created for myself.
I had this idea of a puristic architectual scene with mainly dark background colors and one colorful spot, in this case represented by red berries in the right center of the table.
I tried to invest enough time to have a nice image but not too much time to not to „get lost“ in details… So this scene needed about two or three days for all work. This includes modeling, texturing, lighting, test renders and additional fx like color tweaks and more contrast.
As always created in Blender and rendered with Cycles.
Windrunner Statue
I love to experiment with materials. At the moment I am very fascinated of blenders node system. For this project I created two materials.
The first material I named „Rusty Gold“. I had the imagination of an old gold material with smooth green patina.
The second material was more an accident… I called it „Cold Lava“. The interesting of this material is the dynamic color variation. The colors are iridiscent while you rotate the object and are changing the values on thy fly. Looks really cool.
Ok then. Enough words. Here is the result. I hove you like it.
„The Living Room Project“ – A blender scene.
This is my first interior render project created in the open source 3D software blender.
The origin idea came from my wife. We talked about a new wall color in our personal living room and about to buy some new furniture. So I started to rebuild our living room in 3D to show her the new wall colors – actually…
First I created the walls, to show the wall color – but the room looked very empty. So I began to add some more objects, and some more and more – and „suddenly“: The complete room was ready. I used the project too, to get a deeper insight into blender.
Render time: About 4 hours per image (4K) on a GeForce GTX 1080Ti.
By the way: You can support my work by buying the scene. For example you can use it to check the render settings I used in blender or how I created the material nodes, or the carpet etc. More infos about the package can be found in my gumroad shop here: https://gumroad.com/Taros
Realtime models from my free Tutorial series on YouTube
Here you see the results of my popular 3D-Coat tutorial series on YouTube. For everyone who do not know it: you get 11 hours of completely free tutorials how to create games content in 3D-Coat. I use two weapons for examples. The hammer is recorded in english language and the axe videos are for the german audience.
You can watch the tutorials directly on my YouTube channel here: www.youtube.com/user/GraphicGladiator